May 10, 2018


Jishukan Ryu Australia was founded by Col. James Laughlin who retired from active participation in December 1990 and sadly passed away in 1993 having attained the honorary grade of 8th Dan and title of Saiko Komon (Supreme Councillor).

A number of organisational structures have been adopted over the history of the organisation, each with approval of the Honbu.   The current organisational structure is as follows.

The Council in Australia is responsible for the grading, appointment and promotion of members to shodan and above, development of the syllabus, contact with the Honbu in Japan, and the establishment of general policy.   Under the Rules of Jishukan Ryu Australia Inc, the functions of the Council are shared between two bodies – the Executive Council and the Advisory Council.

The Executive Council formulates strategies for improving and developing the syllabus, the standard of training and instruction in Jishukan and the depth of understanding of the techniques of Jishukan by members; provides oversight over and guidance to the Dojo Committee (see below); communicates with Jishukan Honbu in relation to recommendations for promotions; and provides the conduit for communications between Jishukan Ryu Australia and Jishukan Honbu on all matters.  At present it comprises the following members:

Charles Younge 5th Dan Shihan Chairperson
John Finn 4th Dan Renshi Secretary
Bernie Quinn 4th Dan Renshi Chief Instructor

The Advisory Council comprises the most senior and experienced members of Jishukan Ryu. Its function is to provide advice, guidance, consultation and mentoring to Executive Councillors and Dojo Heads individually and collectively and provide advisory support to the Executive Council and the Dojo Committee in the discharge of their functions.  At present it comprises the following members:

John (Jo Yu) Morrissey 7th Dan Shihan
Chris (Zen Ho) Fearon 6th Dan Shihan
David (Den Ho) Becker 5th Dan Shihan
Stan (Jo Ho) Blundell 5th Dan Shihan
June (Jun Ho) Martin 5th Dan Shihan
James (Yu Ho) Martin 5th Dan Shihan

The Dojo Committee comprises the head of each dojo at which Jishukan instruction is provided as well as some senior members who carry out particular roles necessary for the proper administration of the organisation.  The Dojo Committee is responsible for the day to day operations of Jishukan Ryu Australia Inc.  At present it comprises:

Erindale PCYC (ACT) Rodney Bourke 3rd Dan Shidoin
Hornsby (NSW) Courtney Siepen 3rd Dan Shidoin
Melbourne (VIC) Bernie Quinn 4th Dan Renshi
North Canberra (ACT) Kingsley Avery 2nd Dan
Rockingham PCYC (WA) Charles Younge 5th Dan Shihan
Tuart Hill (WA) Victor Stuart 4th Dan Shihan-dai
Toowoomba (QLD) Jason Lloyd 3rd Dan Shidoin
Umina PCYC (NSW) John Finn 4th Dan Renshi
Public Officer Rodney Bourke 3rd Dan Shidoin
Treasurer Tim Bourke 3rd Dan Shidoin

From the Dojo Committee, two (2) Dojo Heads are selected to be Shibu Cho, or Area Commanders, for the Eastern and Western halves of Australia.  The role of the Shibu Cho is the management of regional and interclub matters and affairs and coordination of regional and interclub events in the East and West of Australia respectively.  Currently the Shibu Cho for the West of Australia is Shihan Charles Younge and the Shibu Cho for the East of Australia is Renshi John Finn.

The organisational structure of Jishukan Ryu Australia Inc described above is summarised in the chart below.